Friday, November 11th, 2022
New: “Switchback”

If you’ve ever spent any time in Vermont, you know it’s rural roads. You also know it’s main routes, which, aside from the two interstates that cut through it, everything else is secondary “highways” meandering from one small village, to another, and maybe to a larger city/towns like Montpelier, Burlington and Rutland. And aside from those secondary roads, pretty much everything else is a back road, carving up and over hills and mountains. It’s a great state to get lost in. If you follow any one of these old roads, often gravel and many not navigable after winter snows, you come across places you never new existed. Destination aside, following these seemingly primitive country roads is pure exploration, as they meander up and over slopes, switching direction this way and that, almost like the path of a skier, cutting across the grade. “Switchback” 48 x 30