Sunday, September 24th, 2023
New: “Lagoon”

The nearby Bass River, which separates Yarmouth and Dennis (on Cape Cod) flows inland from Nantucket Sound heading North and narrowing along the way, ending as a saltwater pond close to Cape Cod Bay. At the mouth of the river, a sandspit lines the river’s entry and contains a small grove of weathered, wind-dwarfed white pines and scrub oaks. It’s a small but desolate place, and I’ve hiked through it for years, particularly in the morning. The river passes this spit, extends northward, but also branches to the east to form an inland waterway lined with summer homes, boat docks, and ends at a yacht club. It’s a spot of barren land that illustrates what the Cape looked like hundreds of years before summer people and settlers came and built. “Lagoon” 20 x 16