Saturday, April 16th, 2022

New: “Summertime”

I drove past this old homestead a week or so ago. It’s in Yarmouth Port, on Cape Cod, and has been the subject of quite a few pieces. It’s one of those old Cape Cod homes that, for some reason, stands long abandoned along Route 28. Over the years it has looked progressively neglected. Broken windows, slipping clapboards, and consumed by overgrowth. But passing it the other day, it looked different. The overgrowth had been trimmed back, the tall grasses looked like they’d been cut, and somehow it just looked a lot healthier. Maybe it’s being prepared for razing, or prepared for renovation, but seeing it looking in better shape than it has in years, inspired me to paint it again, with the hope that as summer approaches, it will be on its way to become something closer to what it once was. “Summertime” 24 x 20

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