Wednesday, March 24th, 2010

New Spin on “Hospital Art” at Yale’s Smilow

I was recently contacted by CAMA, Inc, out of New Haven regarding the need for artwork for the new Smilow Cancer Hospital at Yale. CAMA is an interior design firm whose niche specialty is designing spaces for the health care sector. CAMA founder, Rosalyn Cama, has been the driving force between incorporating interior design and art to create a more “healing environment.” I was contacted by CAMA with a request to purchase 7 paintings for permanent display at the new hospital. The stated desire was for an architectural theme to grace the walls of the 14th floor in-patient wing. Over 100 artists were selected to be part of this large art acquisition, made more interesting by CAMA’s niche concept of selecting art, and creating interiors, that facilitate healing. “Summer Cottage,” pictured here, is one of the seven images. All can be viewed here:

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