Saturday, January 1st, 2022
New: “Maylight”

It’s the first day of 2022. Few will miss 2021, for obvious reasons. But for all the bad that 2021 will be remembered for, I’m grateful for the many good things that happened “last” year. And while not much of a New Years Resolution practitioner, I do look at the new year as a time for fresh starts. And with my little corner of New Hampshire entering what feels like day 15 of cold, gray, drizzly, icy weather, thoughts of Spring have crept in sooner than normal. Appropriately, a commission that has been in the works for a couple months is completed, and out for approval. The palette may have been influenced by our current bleak weather, as it leans towards the colors of that other marker of new beginnings…Spring. “Maylight” 54 x 28.