Friday, February 4th, 2022
New: “Hinterland”

I love remote places…love being in the “middle of nowhere.” Visiting the rural town and villages of New England is often a great escape for those who live in cities. Friends who are self-described “city people” have commented that while they love escaping the city for a weekend in the country…they could never live there. One friend once said, when asked if she could ever move out of Boston, “never…I need to hear sirens to fall asleep!” I guess it’s what you grew up with. For me, the dead quiet of the countryside is what I prefer. I came across this place while driving through a small Massachusetts town. Much has been stripped out of the composition (old farm tools, junk, etc), leaving the essence of what felt like a very quiet, serene, place in the middle of nowhere. “Hinterland” 40 x 36