Thursday, October 14th, 2021
New: “Equinox”

This old farm is a few miles from the house. It sits on the bend of the road that I drove daily to drop off or pick up the kids from school. I’ve painted it several times, maybe because I like the place and have seen it so many times…but also because it has become a landmark for the change of seasons. It’s surrounded by maples, and in the fall, it’s pretty much a blaze of autumn color, and in the Spring, the new buds and young leaves present that pale green haze of new foliage. It has become somewhat of a visual marker for the time of year in which winter turns to spring, and summer to fall, which coincide with the opening and closing of the school year. Now that the kids are older and launched, and the trips to school long in the past, I pass this place less often, and recently decided to paint it again, for old times sake. “Equinox” 36 x 36