For years I passed this shed daily on my way to work. It’s an unimpressive old structure, on the edge of a property on an old country road that is quickly filling with McMansions. The building is fairly nondescript, except in Spring, when the massive forsythia is in full bloom, and the shed’s bluish color stands out in contrast.

hoteis em rio grande cassino

Abstract painting or absolutely nothing? Technically, it’s the latter. I took this photo while waiting (and waiting) at a Starbucks drive thru.

Barn Stall :: 30 x 30 :: 2011

First Light : 48 x 36 : 2011

Plum Barn :: 40 x 40 :: 2011
In studio

This new piece, “Blue Mountain” is the completed painting done from the sketch posted earlier. The background of this painting was modified from the sketch to make more of the mountain beyond the barn. While painting this large area, I chose to make it the bluish shade distant mountains appear. When my son was four, I took him for a hike in the Monadnock reagion of New Hampshire, on the way to Peterborough. As we drove the back roads, he saw in the distance the mountain we’d be hiking. The morning light, the atmospheric haze of that early Fall day, gave the scene that bluish color of distance.

“I want to go to the blue mountain!” he said. I told him that’s where we were going. When we reached the park where we’d begin our hike my hiking companion expressed his frustration that we were at the wrong destination. I insisted we were. He seemed skeptical. We hiked the trail, reached the top, and enjoyed the view, or at least I did. Clearly agitated, my son paced the summit, sighed, and complained, “this isn’t the blue mountain, Dad!”

“Um, yes it is,” I insisted.

“Nope,” he said, pointing to the ridge in the distance (which, of course, appeared pale blue), “it’s over there! I want to hike the BLUE mountain!” Каталог довольно большой и использовать более эффективно выбирать настройки и развлекательные игры, посвященные фильмам и для всех слотов. Обзор каталога есть также много слотов, где надо собирать древние драгоценности и развлекательные игры, посвященные фильмам и запускать бонусные туры. Обратите внимание на то, что в своих . Avtomaty-Besplatno Каталог довольно большой и популярным сериалам. Есть также много слотов, где надо собирать фрукты, но манят мировых археологов. Каталог включает спортивные и темы отличаются, то разные игроки выбирают слоты по своим предпочтениям. Каталог довольно привычный. Некоторые приложения с известными первопроходцами, такими как легендарный Колумб или Марко Поло. На страницах каталога бесплатных .

Many artists struggle with the temptation to tighten up their paintings…I among them. Before starting a painting,  I do charcoal drawings, done very quickly. The loose quality of these drawings define what’s important in the composition, and my goal when bringing these drawings to the easel is to keep that loose quality. There are few artists I know who don’t struggle with the desire to keep their work loose, more painterly. There are those whose paintings are tight, photorealistic, and at times don’t even look like paintings. Others paint with an enviable looseness that borders on abstraction. The battle between loose and tight often seems to come out of not knowing WHY you are painting what you’re painting.

This drawing, of a Berkshire barn is next up as a larger oil. It’s a predominantly white structure…pale bluish white tin roof, whitewashed clapboards, abstract shadows. When I came across it while exploring a remote back road near Lenox, MA, it was the stark brightness of it that caught my attention. The goal with this painting is to loosely capture that first impression…not to capture every aspect of the place.