Looking forward to getting back into the studio with this collection of 34 Old Hollands. Thanks Santa.

Unhinged :: 40 x 36 :: 2011 :: at Timmons Gallery, Doylestown, PA

I read recently of David Hockney’s prolific use (and love for) Brushes for Iphone, so bought the app. What an amazing way to have a handheld studio to sketch out quick ideas. Though Hockney’s mastery of this mighty little app far exceeds mine, I can see why he’s hooked on it.

I was recently contacted by Peter Shaffer of Dimella Shaffer Architects, in Boston, to do a painting for the new Allied Health Professions and Student Services Building at at North Shore Community College in Danvers, MA.

This building is the first state-funded Net Zero Energy Building in Massachusetts. Because of the building’s environmental focus, Mr. Shaffer proposed a painting that implied a connection between the building’s greenness and the school itself. The school’s logo mark is a lighthouse beacon, so it seemed expanding that into a North Shoreish lighthouse landscape might work. With only a weekend to turn the piece around, the school approved the painting, which was digitized and output onto the large panels in the photo above.