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This larger piece,  “Barn and Two Spruce”, 62″ x 56″ was placed by Powers Gallery, Acton MA, at a new home in Lincoln, MA. admission essay help

If you happen to be in the Richmond, Virginia area in April, I have a show of new work at Red Door Gallery beginning this Saturday, April 6.

All work in the show can be viewed here:

Many thanks to Jerry Shapiro, Red Door Gallery owner, for his invitation to show in Richmond.

Red Door Gallery contact information:
1607 West Main Street, Richmond, VA 23220

I was fortunate to have the last-minute opportunity to attend Bo Bartlett’s Master Class at Columbus State Univeristy, in Columbus Georgia, and worked alongside Bo and 20 or so talented artists from all over the country. Working with Bo, seeing how he works, hearing how he plans a piece, and watching a painting evolve, was impressive and inspiring. Equally impressive was getting to see the new space where the Bo Bartlett Center will be: a huge, high-ceilinged warehouse above the university’s fine arts center.

Below are photos taken (with Bo’s kind approval) of the class and the Center where many of his major works will find permanent residence. Click any image to scroll through.


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