New and available through Woodstock Gallery, Woodstock, VT.

Recently completed commission for Boston-area buyer.

“Fire Light” | 40 x 30 | oil on canvas

New: “Cart Road” | 36 x 32 | oil/canvas

Our smallish New Hampshire town has successfully preserved the rural character that defines much of the state, especially much less populated northern town. When people not from New Hampshire learn you live in New Hampshire, you’re likely to be asked if you live near Mount Washington, or, do you know so-and-so, who lives in Portsmouth, or Keene (all three areas at least an hour’s drive from where we live). It’s a small state, but not so small that we all now each other.

Back when our roads were dirt and defined by the stone walls they passed between, New Hampshire must have felt even larger to those who lived here, as few rarely traveled more than a few miles from their farms. Many of those old farm roads can still be seen in our town, and many are the same roads we drive on today, though now paved.

One such road, just under a mile away, cuts through a preserved and maintained farmer’s meadow, and fades off into the woods that have grown where farmland has long gone unmaintained. Maples have grown along the stone wall that defines this old road, and the stones that make the wall remain as they were when hauled and stacked there over 100 years go. I pass this scene daily, at all times of day, and have recreated here it in “Cart Road.”

It’s great to see where a work ends up, how it’s hung and affects a room. My friends at Powers Gallery in Acton shared this image of “Old Brewster” a piece based on the great light and classic architecture of the Cape. It now hangs prominently in this beautiful Concord, MA home.


54 x 40

oil on canvas

Though a weed, the yellow/organge of Goldenrod fills the old meadows of New England farmland. This scene, from the NH/VT border shows late-day sun and gives this common weed the credit it deserves for it’s great color.

There is nothing more rewarding, no matter what you make or what you do, than to know your work adds something positive to someone’s life. Several pieces have been placed in corporate and health care settings, and I have occasionally been contacted by viewers of these pieces, commenting on how the imagery uplifted them. Work at Smilow Cancer Center and Yale-New Haven Hospital, has hung for several years there, and I have received emails from patients “thanking” me for having those pieces on display. The images, I’m told, bring some positivity to the difficult times they are enduring. Very gratifying.

This piece, “First Light of a New Day” is another piece headed to another cancer hospital. The Hospital of Central Connecticut has completed construction of its new center center, and “First Light” has been purchased, amongst many pieces by other artists, to hang in this beautiful new space, and hopefully bring some peace and positivity to those patients who will soon benefit from this impressive new Center. The project has been coordinated by Joni Taub of Art3 Gallery, Manchester, NH.

Sort of an unintentional abstract while mixing colors…

Just completed and delivered the first painting of 2015, “Stone Ramp” a large 52 x 48, to Powers Gallery in Acton, MA.

IMG_3968With the Holidays behind us, a new year ahead of us, and the only snowfall of the season melted and keeping the grass green, the new year brings new possibilities, resolutions, and opportunities. I’m looking forward to getting back into the studio, back to work on new pieces, and pushing ahead on commissions, several shows, supplying galleries with new work, and trying out a few new subjects.

IMG_3974It’s been a mild winter at Parker Farm, with the only snow of the season coming well before Christmas (and now all gone). The skis are sitting where I last took them off after the first (and currently last) ski of the season, and have settled onto the brick patio, waiting for the next storm. And while Spring will be here soon enough, there’s plenty of winter left…hopefully!… and plenty of work to do.

Happy New Year, and best wishes for a happy, healthy, and productive 2015!

A recent commission project for a Connecticut family’s summer house on Lake Sunapee lead to this just-completed small commissioned piece of one of the barns at Riverside Farm, outside Woodstock, VT. The family who commissioned the piece held their daughter’s wedding at Riverside this past summer, and as a Christmas gift to the newlyweds, will present this painting of the barn where the couple’s reception was held, as their gift.