On the South side of the Cape, where the beaches stretch along Nantucket Sound, the simpler, older, summer cottages grow rare, though some remain. Their simplicity and humble stature continue, as it has for decades…despite the harsh conditions they face, being just steps from shore. “Shoreside” 48 x 30

The heat of the past few days have created a haze that softens edges and mutes distant colors…which inspired the palette and approach to this recent piece…”Summer Haze” 40 x 30.

The past weekend’s fireworks…those legally discharged, and those not…caused some concern about embers landing on my dry lawns and fields…particularly those close to home. This concern was deepened by memories of having accidentally setting a neighbor’s meadow ablaze after a rock, hidden under tall dry grass, met the twirling blade of my mower. In honor of that momentous occasion…”Meadow Fire” 48 x 48.

This old homestead is a few miles from the studio, on the Mont Vernon/Amherst line up here in New Hampshire. I pass it when traveling the back roads that lead out of town, and north towards the Lakes Region. It’s now abandoned, and has a great cluster of buildings, each slowly decaying, and fading into the landscape. This view, seen as I come back into town, is on top of a small hill that has grown increasingly wild. While the place itself is slipping away, it carries a history I felt worthy of resurrecting. “Summit” 40 x 40

There is a strip of rural highway in Vermont, between Chester and Woodstock, where old farms in various states of use, or decay, dot the landscape. I’ve passed this one quite a few times…each time noticing the faded blue of the old barn doors. While the barn appears still in use, it’s worn, faded, and becoming overgrown…but shows hints, in places, of its younger self. “Blue Doors” 48 x 36

The palette for piece began with the crimson ridgeline. I knew I wanted that to be a loud, red, central element, so that went in first…and everything else was built around it…”Crimson Ridge” 34 x 34

No complaints, but the past couple days have been hot, more like late July than late May…with temps in low 90s, even up here in New Hampshire. The palette to this new piece was inspired by this recent summery weather. “Heat Wave” 24 x 36

On a return trip from a visit to one of my galleries in Massachusetts, I opted to take the country roads that wind through small towns, leading back to the New Hampshire line. I passed this scene, caught a glimpse of that blast of yellow from the Forsythia, and turned the truck around to grab a quick photo. There’s a very short period of time where all the colors of spring seem to ignite at once…like on this day, sometime around the first of May. “First of May” 38 x 38

This scene is not far from home, a couple miles on South side of Walnut Hill. I’ve painted it before, smaller, and with more muted color, but in this depiction, the dramatic late Spring light was the focal point. “South Side” 48 x 48

The pastel 24 hour auctions have been well received, as buyers have enjoyed the opportunity to acquire an original framed pastel through live bidding with other interested buyers. The latest is now live, with “Highland Dune (pastel study)” on the block for the next 24 hours.

To view and bid, click here. Good luck!