I discovered this abandoned home decades ago. It sits on Route 28 in Harwich, MA. Painted it many times…from different angles, in different light. I was recently out scouting for Cape scenes, and drove past this place. The blast of warm white of the early morning sun on the run-down clapboards gave the house a seemingly new life. The first piece I did of this was a straight on view one would if on the side lawn. This was from the left side…overgrown with an old cedar, vines and weeds…but resurrected by painting out most of that unneeded vegetation. This is a composition and color study for a planned larger canvas.

Life can get messy. Conflict boils the waters, and we can all feel it will never end. A close relative has endured such times, and continues to. As I’ve been alongside for the ride, for support, I can only reassure that there will come a time when things will settle down, when the boiling will stop, and some level of peace will return. “Calm Seas” 36 x 24

My house abuts hundreds of acres of woods, oak swamp and open fields. Years of walking through these woods, along the rural road that divides the neighbor’s farm from my land, my boots created a trail that, once discovered by the local conservation commission, has become a public trail. I don’t mind, as those who do hike along this route, will also see the old barn that sits across the street, up a slight rise…a beautiful perspective. On one recent hike, as the sun broke through a bank of clouds, the ridgeline glowed a golden chartreuse, and those areas still in shade seemed to glow a fiery magenta. “Lowland Sun” 40 x 30.

I came across this scene years ago…can’t remember where it is, maybe on the Cape, but I loved the looming spruce and the distant sea. Did a smaller piece based on the composition…which shared the deep purple/blue shaded wall and late-day amber sky. Decided to do it again, larger, but with more emphasis on color than on composition. “Fire and Light” 40 x 36

Several years ago, while driving around the beach roads in Brewster, MA, I came across this old Cape cottage…overgrown with several years of neglect…as if the inhabitants no longer inhabited the place. It wasn’t much of a sight, but through the tall grasses, vines, and small trees, Cape Cod Bay could be seen beyond the house. Whoever had lived here had had an amazing view that deserved to be resurrected. “Ocean Edge” 32 x 30

While delivering a painting to a buyer in the hills of Woodstock, Vermont, I passed this old place, long abandoned, and overgrown with saplings, vines and bushes. There is something mysterious about abandoned structures…especially when nature begins to take them over. There is also something beautiful about the way nature and man-made things almost become one, over time. “Bramble” 24 x 24

This week promises temps in the 60s…a welcome increase from the 10s, 20s and 30s…and with that comes thoughts of spring. Days grow warmer and color returns to the landscape. With these days ahead, this recently completed smaller piece attempts to capture the warmth to come. “Coming Spring” 12 x 12.

The origin for the title and one of the focal points of this recently completed commission (currently out for preview),comes from a farm a couple miles from the studio. The house and barn sits along the side of Spring Road, flanked with stone walls, and a huge 60-acre meadow that extends out about half a mile to the distant ridgeline. I drive by this farm every day, and for a couple years now have noticed a small hemlock growing a hundred-or-so yards into the meadow. Somehow, as the meadow is mowed each fall, this little tree has been spared, either by chance, or intentionally. “Hemlock” 40 x 40

Came across this scene several months ago, did a quick charcoal sketch, but only recently brought it to canvas. There is a time of day when light illuminates horizon and ridgelines as if under spotlights. I saw such light recently, and brought it to this piece. “Upland Meadow” 20 x 16

I’ve been working with a couple who recently moved north from South Carolina to Henniker, NH…a small, quaint college town about 40 minutes north of me. We are working on four pieces…two large works for dominant spaces within their new home, and two smaller accent pieces.

I rarely title pieces based on literal attributes about a scene, but I opted to do so with this piece. A scene close to their new home was spotted by the buyer, and after she sent a photo, I worked up a charcoal composition, which was well received…and proceeded to the finished piece, currently out on approval. “Henniker” 46 x 40