There’s a narrow stretch of the Cape, in North Truro, that runs along Cape Cod Bay. On the west side is the Bay and on the east side the Atlantic. These two summer places sit feet from the shoreline and are subjected, at times, to winds from the Bay and winds coming in from the Atlantic, caused by the unique geography of this farthest most part of the peninsula. The Atlantic is almost always turbulent, and the bay most often calm, but in this part of the Cape, you’re subjected to the winds of both, at the same time. “Crosswinds” 40 x 30 oil on canvas.

My approach to commissions differs from some, but works well for buyers who are looking to fill a specific wall space, and have several images in mind of pieces they’ve liked in the past. My process is simple. You can read about it on this page. This recently completed piece is a good example of working with buyers who knew what they liked, and worked with me to develop a composition that contained elements of those pieces they’d indicated as their favorites. “North Country” 58 x 38 oil on canvas.

I often, but not always, do smaller pieces that I consider studies for a larger canvas. A recent example is the smaller piece entitled “Weathered”, a 12 x 12 canvas that I referred to while painting a larger version. Studies, to me, are piece to be referred to, not strictly adhered to. The end result is similar to the study, but shows signs of taking its own path through the process of making it. This piece, which is very true in some ways to the study, has a different feel. It’s a bit richer in color, and has a bit more energy. I had not set out to create an exact replica of the study, but use it as a starting point, then see where things go. “Opal” 48 x 48

Warm, summery weather past few days has seemed to jump start the season. Up here in New Hampshire, where Spring comes a couple weeks later than more southern parts of New England, the greens of the season are emerging ahead of schedule. “April Green” 14 x 14

Subjects of a painting aren’t always about the dominant thing in the composition. I’ve painted this place a few times, so these structures could be considered the subject. But in painting scenes multiple times, you get to thinking about the setting differently, and reconsidering what the actual subject is. In this version, I was more concerned with the light, and ultimately the light created by the time of day. “Sundown” 36 x 24″ oil on canvas.

Not too many weeks ahead until Summer. Though it’s been a mild winter here in New Hampshire…and a beautiful Spring day today, I am looking forward to those hot, sunny days where bare feet have to move a little quicker from beach blanket to water. “Summer Sand” 20 x 20, oil on canvas.

This small piece was done as a color study for a larger canvas. This barn is one of a pair of barns in Grantham, NH. A favorite subject, painted quite a few times…and I recently learned this one succumbed recently to time and weather, leaving the other unaccompanied after decades together. “Weathered” 12 x 12

This place is one of my favorite scenes, and I’ve painted it plenty of times. Located in Grantham, NH, these two barns sit in a meadow, aging gracefully, not far from Route 89 near the New Hampshire / Vermont border. They have the human quality (most humans, hopefully) of always being there for each other. “Companions” 48 x 36.

There are times when the pressures of responsibility for family and friends weighs us down, and daily duties and stresses buzz around your head like relentless mosquitos. These times come and go, fortunately, but when you’re in the midst of it…you might just want to get away, if even for a moment…to a place that offers serenity. “Serene” 32 x 32

I know it’s too early to think about Fall, being that it’s two full seasons away. But I am, and decided to give this piece an autumn-inspired palette out of respect and admiration for the many sugar maples up here in New Hampshire, currently giving their  sap to the many area sugar shacks firing up their boilers for maple syrup season. “Fall Fire” 36 x 36