This old farm isn’t far from our house, and is part of a large tract of land recently sold for development. The owners and occupants of this place moved out about three years ago, after selling their land. This old place is steadily succumbing to time and neglect, and the increasing number of land clearing machines nearby seem to indicate construction is soon underway. I wouldn’t be surprised if this place was gone by summer. “The Last Fall” 48 x 36

Sometimes, a piece is more about palette, than it is the thing being painted. This piece, the subject of a recent commission, captures the unique bluish tone of the actual structure. “Azure” 36 x 36 o/c.

There are these old fishing shacks along the shores and inlets of Cape Cod. Many are in disrepair, others still house boats, fishing gear, nets, and other tools of the trade. Some have been restored into summer cottage. Whatever their current use, they all bring back the Cape of decades ago, when fishing was a way of life for many. “Cove View” 30 x 40 o/c

New England’s old farms are a testament to the region’s agricultural history. Many are still in use, others are now private homes, or are slowing decaying. I love discovering new places, down old rural back roads that meander through the countryside. You never know what’s around the next curve. Found this place a while back, and could sense it’s role it played for those who worked the land. “The Agrarian” 52 x 36 o/c.

While working on a recent commission, I found a scene of the same location, but from a very different angle, which was more about the landscape, than the barn itself. “Upper Meadow” 30 x 40 o/c

We’re a couple days into Fall, and the bright colors of local gardens have subsided, and the earthy tones of autumn have taken over. Saw this place somewhere on my travels this summer, and decided to give it a big canvas to brighten someone’s big wall. “Summer Garden” 52 x 70 o/c.

Sometimes smaller pieces need to be made into bigger pieces. A smaller version of this piece, “Pastel Morning” was completed, and it seemed to want to be bigger, so, made it bigger…”Southern Rose” 40 x 40

Spent a good chunk of time this Labor Day weekend finishing up a larger commission. When a commission starts with great buyers, great input, great subject matter, and a beautiful home where the resulting piece will reside, you have the perfect recipe for a successful piece. This larger canvas, done for a home in Dutchess County, NY, was super fun from initial discussions, through developing the composition in charcoals, collaborating on palette, and throughout the painting process. The barn is actually part of their stately property, and in addition to being the subject of this painting, a couple other pieces were inspired by it. “Northern Garden” 68 x 42 o/c.

Latest completed commission, “Upcountry Dusk” 54 x 60. I love working with buyers who commission pieces for specific locations in their homes. Mocking up work to find the perfect dimensions for a piece is the first step, followed by developing the composition, and the palette. Then painting towards the finish line.

With a larger commission about to be started, I’m doing a couple smaller pieces to experiment with palettes that will be used in the final piece. This is one example. The composition of the commission is entirely different, but by doing smaller pieces with palettes that have been discussed, it gives the buyer a sense of what of the overall color will be. “Meadowstripe” 20 x 16 o/c.